Delta Phi Epsilon takes pride in supporting three national philanthropies. Throughout our history, we have taken on the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the Body Positivity Initiative, and the Delta Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation. We hold each of these three philanthropies close to our hearts and work tirelessly to raise money and awareness for them. Many sisters cite one of these philanthropic efforts as the reason they chose to join Delta Phi Epsilon. We would not be the chapter we are today without these three organizations.
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a disease that affects the lungs and digestive systems by coating them in thick mucus, making it hard to breathe and swallow. Almost 70,000 people in the world have been diagnosed with CF. Before the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation was founded, research for CF was nonexistent and treatment was unheard of. Today, The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation helps those affected by raising money for research and treatments. Due to their hard work, life expectancy has increased to 35 years old. DPhiE has supported the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation since 1967, and we will continue to work tirelessly until a cure is found. Annually, our chapter hosts dphie door dash to support this philanthropy. Sisters deliver donut decorating kits all over campus in support of CFF. During our Fall parents weekend, we also raise money through an annual 65 Roses gala!
To learn more about the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, click here:
Body Positivity Initiative
Delta Phi Epsilon’s newest philanthropic initiative is the Body Positivity Initiative. Through this initiative, we support many organizations that promote self-love, empowerment, and positivity in the world. We have worked with organizations such as the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), and the Body Positive. These organizations all work to provide resources and opportunities to people who struggle with issues relating to body image and mental health. We support these organizations through our Week of Worth in the spring, where we host a week of events that promote self-love and positivity both within our chapter and in the greater Athens and UGA community. This week also includes our annual trivia night to raise money and awareness for this cause we love so much. We are excited to continue supporting more organizations and reaching more communities through our work with the Body Positivity Initiative!
Winner of the 2022 Dr. Toby Tamarkin scholarship, Stephanie B!
The Delta Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation is our third philanthropy. The Educational Foundation works to support the sisters of Delta Phi Epsilon to ensure they have access to new opportunities for learning and growth. Our foundation raises money to provide scholarships to our sisters who want to further their education and helps sisters during times of need. Every March, chapters across the nation collect donations to raise money for our sisters in need. The University of Georgia chapter has our own annual scholarship designated for one of our chapter sisters each year, named after our incredible alumna Arleen Kruger Honick.
To learn more about the educational foundation and locate scholarship applications, click here:
Delta Phi Epsilon at UGA has sisters who are involved in dozens of various clubs and philanthropies on our campus. As a sorority, we participate in major UGA philanthropies like Relay for Life, HEROs, Miracle, and more. As individuals, the women of DPhiE are passionate about many other organizations on campus like UGA Wishmakers, Shop With a Bulldawg, The Backpack Project, and Ronald McDonald House Charities. We also make an effort to support the larger Panhellenic and Greek communities at UGA with their own philanthropic events. If you are interested in partnering with our chapter for a philanthropy event or have any questions, please feel free to contact our vice president of programming at!